About Info


“The reason I made this blog is to help Korean foreign learners in acquiring free lessons on Korean Grammar Points as well as sharing my knowledge about Korea in general.”

To get started, I will just make an introduction of myself briefly. I am a native Pilipino and to be specific, a Boholano. I am at first a K-Drama addict and now, I am fond of everything about Korea (e.g., people, lifestyle, fashion, mostly dramas and so on). But, I am still proud of being Pilipino though my country is not that much progressive one but I really love my homeland despite of its flaws. Let just say “Not perfect but still the best”.  I think I could consider myself as dual citizen knowing the fact that I love two countries.

Anyway, you can call me May (though not my full name, still part of my name) and I decided to make a Korean screen name, Owol [Korean word of May]. I am sometimes considering Kim Dong Jae (you know that thing on how to make Korean name out of date birth?). However, I don’t feel and really like it. Sorry, but I am just being honest. Finally and most importantly, I hope you will appreciate the site and most likely you would gain much learning on my blog regarding Korean language (Hangul) as its main focus.

ABOUT Hangul101.com

This blog  is more than a personal blog to me. Hangul101.com  is about what I have been into on the past months and years (i.e., thorough research and then studies) until I came up on the idea to share what I’ve learned so far. Hangul101.com became an info blog as well as education blog in my perspective. Info blog since it depicts information (e.g., about Korean culture & Hangul) in which it could be a medium to understand Korean life. On the other hand, it educates the viewers/readers on Korean language, Hangeul. Since, big part of the blog is the unit lessons about Basic and Intermediate Korean Grammar. It helps the Korean Foreign Learners (KFL) to understand the construction of Korean sentence. Unlike other sites, it is absolutely FREE and it focuses on grammatical usage of Korean words.

Furthermore, I would like to add a Special Courses in which learners (i.e, viewers and/or readers) could not learn and see on the unit lessons. Other words, it somewhat focuses on the run of the Korean conversation and somehow may portray the reality of how everything (Korean life, culture, language, etc.) mixed up to describe Korea’s daily living.


You may wonder and curious if what is in my mind when creating this blog. Actually, this idea to make Hangul101.com is unexpected.  I just realized one day to put up all the outputs and/or results of my researches/self-studies on the world wide web so as to have back-up of the learning I accumulated all this time. I wanted to take a look back in case there is something I fail to remember (like a need of review and/or support though I made it myself). It is much easier that way because I know the URL of the blog site since I’m the one who owned and made it. Also, internet is so accessible not to mention that anyone in different ages (e.g., professionals, adults, young individuals) became netizens (internet users). I could manage my blog anywhere I am and that’s great right?

As the editor, the main focus of Hangul101.com relates so much of my interests. I had been into many sites about learning Korean Hangul and I had concluded that most of them were not that absolutely free.  You should register to their premium membership to access unlocked lessons and links in order to learn everything. At first, it caused me to despair. However, I had able to find other ways and really work hard to pursue what I’ve started. That’s why, I am really more motivated in developing this blog to share what I have learned to those who really likes to learn Korean language. Since I’ve been through it, I know the feeling of one can’t go through due to things you don’t have or merely had.  I thought helping others fulfills the effort I’ve done all throughout those times and this little achievement I got. Anyway, I am still learning Korean Hangul this time so don’t expect on me too much. About those unit lessons, those are true. It is just that I am not that really good enough like a fluent Korean speaker. 

안녕 하세요! 저는 오월 입니다.  블로그를 방문해 주셔서 감사합니다.


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