Monday, October 17, 2016

Handshake in Korea

Learn the proper way of handshaking in South Korea
Just like bowing, handshaking is a typical greeting in Korea.  But, there are manners in Korea you must know on how to shake hands appropriately.

Most of the times, handshaking is done with bowing. The order in doing so is important. Usually, the junior or the younger person bows first then shake hands with both hands if the senior or older person starts handshaking. It is considered to be impolite if the junior or younger person, first do the handshaking.

Most Koreans hold hands gently, not tightly. Don’t worry if you do handshake limply. It doesn’t imply any negative impression or thoughts to the other person.

When handshaking, always use two hands. Don’t be timid and surprised. In Korea, it would be rude to the elders or seniors if the junior or younger person uses one hand when handshaking.


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